Update with 332 signatures sent to President Barack Obama
June 22, 2009
The Honorable Barack Obama
President, United States of America
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500-0001
Dear President Obama,
On May 18 we sent a letter asking for your help in preserving the historical integrity of Alexander the Great. Since that time many more scholars of Graeco-Roman antiquity have joined the effort, motivated by a concern with the threat posed to the scientific basis of our profession by ephemeral political manipulation.
The purpose of this letter is to update you with regard to the signatories of the original letter which now total 332 from 20 different countries (see below). The original letter appears at http://macedonia-evidence.org/obama-letter.html, together with the supporting documentation for that letter.
We would also note that the FAQ entry on our web site has been expanded to include points not in our original letter (http://macedonia-evidence.org/faq-history.html). Further, much of the site is now translated into FYROM Slavic, Greek, and German. French and Italian are to be added soon.
A point of clarification about our intentions is perhaps in order since they have been misinterpreted in some quarters. We do not ask that the United States withdraw its recognition of the "Republic of Macedonia". We do ask that the weight of US diplomacy be used to stop the theft of history and historic figures, starting with Alexander the Great.
With best wishes and the continued hope of your active support,
Click here to see the list of co-signers
J. Biden, Vice President, USA
H. Clinton, Secretary of State USA
P. Gordon, Asst. Secretary-designate, European and Eurasian Affairs
H.L Berman, Chair, House Committee on Foreign Affairs
I. Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member, House Committee on Foreign Affairs
J. Kerry, Chair, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
R.G. Lugar, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
R. Menendez, United States Senator from New Jersey
B. Mikulski, United States Senator from Maryland
J. Shaheen, United States Senator from New Hampsire
O. Snowe, United States Senator from Maine
S. Berkely, United States Representative, Nevada district 1
G. Bilirakis, United States Representative, Florida district 9
H.E. Brown, United States Representative, South Carolina district 1
R. Carnahan, United States Representative, Missouri, district 3
L. Diaz-Balart, United States Representative, Florida district 21
R.D. Holt, United States Representative, New Jersey district 12
J.L, Jackson, Jr., United States Representative, Illinois district 2
P.J. Kennedy, United States Representative, Rhode Island district 1
B. Lee, United States Representative, California district 9
M.E. McMahon, United States Representative, New York district 13
C.B. Maloney, United States Representative, New York district 14
F. Pallone, Jr., United States Representative, New Jersey district 6
D.M. Payne, United States Representative, New Jersey district 10
T. Poe, United States Representative, Texas district 2
J.P. Sarbanes, United States Representative, Maryland district 3
A. Sires, United States Representative, New Jersey district 13
Z.T. Space, United States Representative, Ohio district 18
D. Titus, United States Representative, Nevada district 3
N. Tsongas, United States Representative, Massachusetts district 5
C. Van Hollen, United States Representative, Maryland district 8
O. Rehn, European Commissioner for Enlargement
K. Hedberg, Head of EU Enlargement Unit B2, FYROM
M. Dawson, Deputy Head of EU Enlargement Unit B2, FYROM
Letter to President Obama
- On May 18th, 2009,
200 Classical Scholars from around the world, sent a letter to the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. - On June 22nd, 2009,
an update with 332 signatures was sent.
Since then, the list of cosigners has grown to 376, see Addenda.
- On May 18th, 2009,
Macedonian coin, stating in Greek: "ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ"
(in English: "ALEXANDER'S")